Alpha Chi Sigma Awards
The Fraternity awards numerous awards to individuals and chapters, to both collegiate members and professional members. Some awards are presented at each Biennial Conclave, while others are awarded each year.
Star Chapter Awards
The Grand Chapter presents the Star Chapter Awards to collegiate chapters for exemplary performance in several areas. The Star Chapter Awards are earned by collegiate chapters that participate and document a set number of professional, service, and alumni activities. These documented activities are well above and beyond the level required for Alpha Chi Sigma to retain its tax classification status.
One-Star Chapter Award 
To qualify for the One-Star Chapter Award, a chapter each academic year beginning May 16 and ending May 15 must:
- Submit the Pledge Report Form to the National Office at least four weeks prior to the initiation ceremony.
- Submit all pledge and lifetime member fees to the National Office at least 12 business days prior to the initiation ceremony.
- Initiate a minimum of 8 or 1/3 of the number of current active collegiate members (reported in the preceding year's Active Collegiate Member Register) prior to May 15.
- Conduct two MAJOR service or professional activities. The report must include a description of the activity, its date, the number of Brothers involved, and an estimate of the total number of people involved. This information is reported in the chapter’s Annual Report of Collegiate Chapter Activities (see below).
- Submit an officer list (this should be sent in within 2 weeks of each election). Required by May 15 for award tracking.
- Complete alcohol awareness training and return the sign-in sheet to the National Office by May 15. The chapter’s Master Alchemist, Vice Master Alchemist, Reporter, Recorder, Treasurer, Master of Ceremonies, Alumni Secretary, Health & Safety Officer, any social chairs (as applicable), and 50% of pledges and active brothers must attend the training.
- Submit the following reports by May 15:
- Annual Report of Collegiate Chapter Activities
- Audit/Financial Statement
- Charter, Ritual & Regalia Inspection Report (CRRI)
- Active Collegiate Member Register (sent to all chapters in April of each year)
- IRS 990-N form (due by May 15 each year)
- Chapter must be in good standing with the Fraternity
Three-Star Chapter Award 

To qualify for the Three-Star Chapter Award, a chapter each academic year beginning May 16 and ending May 15 must:
- Satisfy ALL the requirements for the One-Star Chapter Award.
- Submit the Professional Branch Induction Report (PBI) by May 15.
- PLUS accomplish any FOUR of the following:
- Increase active collegiate membership by 5%. (The basis is the number of active collegiate members reported in the
preceding year's Active Collegiate Member Register.)
-Conduct any one of the following additional sets of activities
- Conduct two additional MAJOR service or professional activities.
- Conduct two alumni-related activities.
- Conduct one additional MAJOR service or professional activity AND one alumni-related activity
- Maintain a website. This must include:
- Information about pledging and membership
- A current calendar of events or reports of previous events (social media posts, etc.)
- Current chapter contact information
- Professional and service activities
- An active link to the national website
- Submit one or more nominations for a national fraternity award, such as the Alpha Chi Sigma Scholar Award, the
Ronald T. Pflaum Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award and the John R. Kuebler Award.
- Submit a chapter plan by May 15 for the upcoming academic year.
- Maintain and submit a current copy of the chapter’s bylaws by May 15.
- Submit a current issue of the chapter's newsletter by May 15.
See previous winners of the Star Chapter Awards.