About Biennial Conclaves

Each collegiate and professional chapter sends an elected delegate to Conclave to discuss and vote on the issues brought forward. Professional Representatives, District Counselors and members of the Supreme Council also debate and vote on these matters. This legislative body is called the Grand Chapter.
The Grand Chapter consists of the Grand Chapter Officers, the District Counselors, the Professional Representatives, the Master Alchemists of each active collegiate chapter, and the President of each active professional chapter. When the Grand Chapter is assembled at Conclave, chapters are represented by their elected delegates.
The Grand Chapter decides how business to be conducted, amends the Constitution and Bylaws and conducts any other business that is needed. The decisions made at Conclave control the operation of the national Fraternity. The most important business of Conclave is the election of the new Supreme Council, which will serve for the next biennium.
One of the most valuable aspects of Conclave are the many opportunities to meet other members from across the country. Through structured programs held at Conclave and informal encounters, attendees can solve their chapters' problems, share ideas about chapter or house operations, and develop new friendships.
Conclave Event Details
57th Biennial in 2024
56th Biennial in 2022
55th Biennial in 2020
Conclave Committees
In order to conduct the business of the Grand Chapter Conclave, several committees move legislation and business forward in an efficient manner. Members of the Grand Chapter are selected to serve on these committees. The Grand Chapter Conclave Committees required by the Fraternity Bylaws include:
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee solicits candidates for the Supreme Council and Professional Representative positions. During Conclave, this committee acts as election judges, counting votes for the Supreme Council election. This committee is a standing committee of the Fraternity and functions at all times, not just during Conclave.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee prepares and/or reviews all legislation related to the Constitution and Bylaws for wording, consistency, and accuracy. This committee only exists for the duration of the Grand Chapter Conclave.
Financial Advisory Committee
The Financial Advisory Committee reviews all legislation to estimate its effects on the Fraternity finances. This committee only exists for the duration of the Grand Chapter Conclave.
Legislative Preparation Committee
The Legislative Preparation Committee helps delegates present all Conclave motions in proper written form. All Conclave motions must go through this committee before they can be presented. This committee only exists for the duration of the Grand Chapter Conclave.
Resolutions Committee
The Resolutions Committee prepares and/or reviews and transmits to the Legislative Preparation Committee the resolutions of greeting and appreciation. This committee takes care of any legislation that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Constitution and Bylaws committee. This committee only exists for the duration of the Grand Chapter Conclave.