Chapter Spotlight
Alpha Chi Sigma hosts many national, regional, and local events for Brothers, friends of the Fraternity, and the community. These may be social or professional events, Regional Conclaves, member bonding outings, or community outreach events.
Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma Holds Member Bonding Event
Article by Lindsay Opatz

On Saturday, April 25th the chapter had a lock-in style event at a large meeting room in Coffman Memorial Union from 10 am to 1 pm. This is the second semester that our Vice Master Alchemist, Alex Awada, has organized and included this event as part of the pledging process, with the goal being to increase bonding and familiarity between members and pledges before they arrive at their initiation. After mingling and eating a potluck style breakfast, Brothers and pledges engaged in a variety of team-building exercises. A favorite this year was playing a real-life version of the game Hungry Hungry Hippos. This involved one person laying down on a skateboard and holding a basket while a team member held their feet in order to steer them toward ping pong balls on the floor. The goal was for the person on the skateboard to "eat" as many ping pong balls as possible with their basket. Another fun activity that emphasized team decision-making and communication was determining from a long list of imaginary people, who the best ten candidates would be for colonizing a new planet. Other activities included the human knot game, a people scavenger hunt, and a discussion of how values and goals in our own lives correlate with those of the Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma. Once again the lock-in event was both fun and successful, and the chapter looks forward to continuing this new tradition next semester.