Collegiate Branch
College is where Alpha Chi Sigma members are made for life. Their paths are directed by an interest in chemistry. Friendship and fun, as well as chemistry, drive their activities.
Collegiate Branch
In its more than 100 years of existence, Alpha Chi Sigma has chartered over 100 chapters. These chapters are made up primarily of undergraduate students; however, graduate students and faculty are also accepted into the bonds of the Fraternity. The collegiate branch is truly the roots of Alpha Chi Sigma, for the collegiate branch has the sole honor of selecting, educating, and initiating new members.
The collegiate chapters are responsible for organizing professional and social events for not only their members but also for their universities and the public at large.
Collegiate Outreach
Outreach activities include:
- Community Days
- National Chemistry Week
- Chemical education and awareness for the general public
- Science demonstrations for all school ages
- Sponsoring university seminar speakers
- Voluntary community service
- Assisting at university events
Interested in starting a collegiate chapter? Contact our Collegiate Expansion Committee Chair!

Chapter Toolbox
Resources for Chapters!
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