Transitioning to the Professional Branch
Alpha Chi Sigma membership is for life. The Fraternity could not succeed without the Brothers in the Professional Branch.
Welcome to the Professional Branch!
from Helen M. M. Webster, Alpha Rho 1994

Graduation means so many things: farewells, parties, gifts, the start to a career or graduate school, or the beginning of a vacation. Many of us are excited to start a life that has been years in the making. Many of us are also sad to leave familiar faces and places behind. However, your fraternal life will continue. While it may differ from your collegiate experience, you will continue to create heart-warming Alpha Chi Sigma memories. The Professional Branch awaits!
On the day of your initiation, it was mentioned that Alpha Chi Sigma is a lifelong experience. It truly is! How? You do it by staying in touch! For those of you who are going to graduate school at a university that has a chapter, reach out. They would love to welcome you! If there isn't a chapter, we can help you start one. Just contact the Collegiate Expansion Chair. You can also be active with a Professional Chapter or Group. If there is not one nearby, contact the Professional Expansion Chair. We love to see more and more Brothers getting together.
If you have an idea for a new program you would like to get started, contact me at We are excited to invigorate the Fraternity with fresh ideas.
Finally, as life gets busy, stay in touch and participate in our annual solicitation. A donation of $25 or more allows you to continue to receive all four issues of The HEXAGON. Life in the Professional Branch can be exciting and transformative; we can help each other ranging from career advice to new friendships. Just like the Collegiate Branch, you get out of it what you put in. All you have to do is stay in touch. Contact the District Counselor or Professional Representative in the area that you live or contact the National Office (800)ALCHEMY (252-4369).
Get Involved
You can volunteer to help your District Counselor and serve on their District Committee, visiting chapters and helping put together district meetings. We also have several national committees to be involved with, such as the Ritual Committee. For those of you interested in participating in national governance and would like to grow the Professional Branch, you can run for Professional Representative.
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Transitioning to the Professional Branch
Click below to download a very useful document featuring the historical background and purpose of transitioning to the Professional Branch, as well as information on professional induction ceremonies.
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Chicago Pro and Zeta Chapter -
Transition Forum
Zeta Chapter co-hosted a forum to discuss transition to the Professional Branch with the Chicago Professional Chapter!
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Is there a Pro Chapter/Group in your area?
There are several professional chapters and groups throughout the country where Brothers meet to socialize and perform outreach activities. Indianapolis Professional Chapter has dinners throughout the year, Washington Professional Chapter has Shrimpfest in the Fall, and Delaware Valley Professional Chapter attends IronBirds games, just to name a few. If there is not a professional chapter or group in your area, start one!
Find a Chapter
Professional Branch Induction Form
Before chapters host a Professional Recognition or Professional Induction Ceremony, the chapter's Master of Ceremonies should submit a Professional Branch Induction (PBI) Form to advice the National Office that members are transitioning to the Professional Branch. At that point, professional pins will be sent to the chapter for the ceremony.
Download the Form