Meet the 2016 Scholar Award Winner
The Alpha Chi Sigma Scholar Award Committee is pleased to announce that Brother Andrew Dixon, Beta Tau 2012, has been selected as the 2016 Alpha Chi Sigma Scholar.
Andrew Dixon - Beta Tau 2012

Andrew Dixon received his undergraduate degree at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, and now studies as a graduate student at the University of Arizona in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry with Dr. Andrei Sanov. His work focuses on the study of organic radicals and diradicals using anion photoelectron imaging to probe their electronic structure. His recent work is on the newly detected ethylenedione diradical, proposed initially over 100 years ago, and related perturbed systems.
Andrew first joined the Beta Tau Chapter in Spring 2012. Since then he has held the position of VMA, MA and now Alumni Secretary. He takes time whenever he can to volunteer with Chapter outreach activities, whether that is visiting local elementary schools, performing demonstrations at the planetarium, or helping out when visiting or new students arrive to the Department.
Andrew is a member of the American Chemical Society, and an Eagle Scout.