Professional Members
Initiation lasts one day and the Collegiate Branch experience only a few years, yet these impressions carry on for a lifetime into your membership in the Professional Branch.

Starting an Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chapter
Starting new professional chapters is one of the many priorities of Alpha Chi Sigma. To gather and engage professional members across the country not only continues the success of the Fraternity, but provides invaluable networking and friendship for professional chapter members.
Process of Expansion
1. Becoming a Professional Group: Five or more professional members residing in the same locality and holding meetings may notify the Grand Recorder of their activities. The GR is authorized to designate such a local organization as a professional group.
2. Becoming a Professional Chapter: In order to petition for a charter to become a professional chapter, a group must have at least eight active professional members and have been designated as a professional group for at least six consecutive months. The group will work with their District Counselor through the process of petitioning the Supreme Council to be considered as a professional chapter. To become a chapter, the Supreme Council must approve with a majority vote, and will be issued a charter at their installation.
For more information, contact the Professional Expansion Committee Chair.